Maybe this is explained somewhere in the rules doc, and if so my apologies for not reading closely enough, but:

Maybe this is explained somewhere in the rules doc, and if so my apologies for not reading closely enough, but:

Maybe this is explained somewhere in the rules doc, and if so my apologies for not reading closely enough, but:

How exactly do Hunting Grounds work? What is their function?

All I see in the rules is the bit about the GM using the quality to make a fortune roll to determine passing opportunities for crime.

If that is the point of Hunting Grounds, then what exactly does that really mean. Is this a form of score generator?

Thanks in advance.

4 thoughts on “Maybe this is explained somewhere in the rules doc, and if so my apologies for not reading closely enough, but:”

  1. From what I understand, Hunting Grounds generate scores that the crew undertakes basically for themselves. They earn Coin but no Rep, and they don’t piss off any other factions (except possibly as a result of Entanglements).

  2. They can earn XP as well as Coin, but no Rep or faction status changes. Thieves and Breakers have Hunting Grounds and the other crew types have other assets that serve the same purpose — smuggling routes for Smugglers, for example. I can envision that kind of job being useful in a lot of cases, like when a crew needs a bit of extra coin to go up in Tier but doesn’t want to risk attention from rivals.

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