6 thoughts on “Hullo!”

  1. I don’t believe any sort of ordering process for PHYSICAL copies is currently in place, but John Harper should feel free to correct me.

    You can, however, buy the “pre-order” PDF on DTRPG, which gets you the same quickstart rules that Kickstarter backers have right now, and also the full game PDF when it launches.

  2. I believe that John said that he was going to set up a backerkit page for Kickstarter people to add more to their pledges. I’m not sure if it’s possible to add others who weren’t KS backers to backerkit. There doesn’t seem an obvious way to add yourself to a project so I’m guessing that John would have to add people manually. He has said that he is going to order a few extra copies of the book beyond those needed to forefil the KS. So there will be some copies for sale.

  3. I wouldn’t be too worried about how many physical copies are printed – Print on Demand has been part of the plan for this game from the get go, so that will always be an option.

  4. Backers will be able to upgrade their pledge to physical books through Backerkit (once I get that set up). I’ll probably also do a separate pre-order for extra hardcovers for people who missed the Kickstarter.

    Also, POD versions on DriveThru are happening, too.

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