20 thoughts on “I’ve been making a lot of art for the game lately. Here are some teasers!”

  1. Todd Crapper​ I suggest you give it a try…the (old) thief series is excellent even with its flaws and is a gold mine of ideas and inspiration for blades (the art, the story, the factions…)

  2. This is so great because as an artist you’re able to integrate your specific visual ideas directly into the work. So many RPG products come across as disjointed between content, design, and artwork, but you’re wearing all the hats, so the result is by default going to be more “true” to your conception. What kinds of precedent do we have for that? I guess Kevin Siembieda, Jennell Jaquays, and Jeff Dee come to mind.

    In any case, can’t wait to see it all laid out in the final product!

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