In need for great descriptions? Check out pictures on pinterest.

In need for great descriptions? Check out pictures on pinterest.

In need for great descriptions? Check out pictures on pinterest.

Let me explain a bit: I read an Actual Play on Sean Nittner’s website (great stufff here, Sean! Thanks for the time and effort) and found this cool house rule

“One cool rule we made up: The first time you draw your blade, you have to describe it. We had some wicked sounding knives!”

This is a rule a definitely want to establish in my game and I was afraid that I run out of inspiration for all these NPC’s weapons a will draw in my sessions 🙂

Enter pinterest to the rescue: Search “dagger” and you’re done. Cool pictures here, not only for weapons but for clothing, people, faces, dark alleys, buildings etc. Pin them and they’re just a click away in your next gaming session. Plus: I got 5-10 plot/NPC ideas just from browsing this stuff. Awesome.

Some of the other Bladers are collecting pins there too, so your inspiration will never dry up.

7 thoughts on “In need for great descriptions? Check out pictures on pinterest.”

  1. BTW – I like the idea of custom blades. It gives it a dark cyberpunk feel – in which custom fashion and individuality is more important than practicality. And as it’s a weapon, it also gives the game a mythic Chinese/Star Wars air – where exotic unique weapons are signatures for important characters. I like it.

  2. Peter Cobcroft If you live and die by your blade you definitely have it custom made. It’s part of your identity, right? Cool! A great way to seperate the professionals from the thugs just be looking at their weapons. Helpful as a story telling tool for the GM.

  3. If you want some cool looking, wicked blades ideas, check out the Zombie Tools website. They definitly look like the blades of someone who stabs people for a living.

  4. I’ve always found the idea of zombie apocalypse to be very comical.  It’s a good thing in TV shows they can subsist on grass, keeping it all nicely mowed.

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