I was listening to The Dollop, which is a great and hilarious history podcast, about the history of American…

I was listening to The Dollop, which is a great and hilarious history podcast, about the history of American…

I was listening to The Dollop, which is a great and hilarious history podcast, about the history of American Firefighting. Specifically, it’s about volunteer firefighting which it all was as first — it’s insane with firefighting companies competing for who gets to the fire first resulting in huge street brawls between rival firefighting companies and houses ignored as they burn down. Street gangs even aligned themselves with various companies.

I highly recommend you check out the podcast as it’s a great example of various factions (even ones that are supposed to be good) aligning with each other and/or fighting each other over turf and loot.

Makes me think that Firefighters should totally be a faction in Blades in the Dark.


9 thoughts on “I was listening to The Dollop, which is a great and hilarious history podcast, about the history of American…”

  1. I love that firefighters before the advent of breathing apparatus, soaked their beards and stuffed them into their mouths and tied them in place with a bandanna as a filter against smoke. Thus firefighters always had lush beards!

  2. Or if you want to go darker “The Ember Snuffers” but I kinda really like the “The Ember Brigade” as the word Brigade denotes the sheen of respectability that they cloak themselves with.

  3. Probably a loosely organized faction much like the forgotten gods. Many disparate groups that sort of hang together but also may fight each other. I really like having Ash in the name, since ashes and Duskwall seem like PB+J. The Ash Brigades has kind of an implied threat of what may happen to your establishment in you fall behind on your protection money.

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