Love the new rules, especialy the spider, ext’ ext’

Love the new rules, especialy the spider, ext’ ext’

Love the new rules, especialy the spider, ext’ ext’

now, I have a few ghostly questions:

1. if somone dies horribly and switch to the ghost playbook (expecting to rain vengeance upon his enemis) can he keep his special abilities from the previous playbook?

2. if he can’t, isn’t it better to let him pick one of his abilities to keep?

3. how the heck ghostly downtime soppose to work? sure, undeath is gloomy, but wouldn’t the otherwordly dread prevent our dear deceased from interacting with any living creature? including the other PCs? (or maybe they can go to zombie bars? demon dens? arcane markets?)

and one unrelated question: GMs, do you have good exemples for insight resistance rolls your players had to make? I can’t seem to find good uses for the attribute.

5 thoughts on “Love the new rules, especialy the spider, ext’ ext’”

  1. Insight resistance isn’t something that I see in combat too often, but I do use it when a character wants to resist being lied to, or tricked, or pick-pocketed , or confused, or lost. I haven’t done this, but in combat if an enemy relied on feints, sleight of hand or theatrics in combat, it’s possible you could roll resistance with insight to avoid being hit.

  2. 1. You get to keep any ‘ghost’ special abilities you had (Ghost Voice, etc.). I forgot to say so in the text. Otherwise, no. Your human life is over. You’re merely an echo in the ghost field, and you lose your other abilities.

    3. Yep, ghostly downtime is tricky.

  3. Unrelated Question:

    GM: “And you’re ambushed. The enemies rain down from the rooftops in this tiny alley…”

    Player: “Noooope! I totally saw this coming. Can we resist?”

    GM: “Insight resistance it is.”

    Also glad you like the Spider! 😀

  4. Regarding ghost downtime: I think it only makes sense to allow ghosts if there are others in the crew who can communicate with ghosts (a Whisper for example). Otherwise any ghost downtime action easily becomes a long term project… So maybe in those cases it makes sense for the player to create a new character, handing over the ghost to the storyteller with some indication of what would be the ghost’s reasons to linger (haunt someone, learning to materialise or possess.. all those seriously long term things).

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