Lots of great additions in QuickStart version 5. The further explanation of Long term projects, the single clock for healing, War on -3, the free training for crews and 2 upgrades per advancement, flipped, etc. Amazing stuff.
I do have a question about the example in the new healing section.
Cross has suffered a knife wound to the chest (level 2) as well as a broken hand (level 2). He was able to receive treatment (recover action) from Melvir, a physicker who served with Cross in the Skovlan marines. He spends the rest of his downtime holed up in his quarters at the Rat’s Nest, relying on his impressive constitution to see his body mended. Cross’s player rolls his lowest attribute — which is an impressive 2d — and gets a 4. Cross marks two ticks on his healing clock. In addition, he has the special ability Resilient, which means he gets +2 ticks on his healing clock during downtime, for a total of 4 ticks. Cross is halfway to being fully recovered.
What does the treatment from Melvir do? The example looks like Cross only gets ticks from his self-healing.
You have to complete the recover action before the healing clock is available and you can heal as a project. Page 21.
Ah right on!
Ooh ooh! Can’t wait to read it! Is it on the backer updates?
Yes yes! It’s really excellent. Who thought John could just keep making this game better.
Thanks! Glad you’re liking it.