For the second week in a row I left wanting something.  Disposable gang names I could use, populate the world with,…

For the second week in a row I left wanting something.  Disposable gang names I could use, populate the world with,…

For the second week in a row I left wanting something.  Disposable gang names I could use, populate the world with, and cross off when they wronged the Cutter.

6 thoughts on “For the second week in a row I left wanting something.  Disposable gang names I could use, populate the world with,…”

  1. Lansky Street Boys

    The Downtowners

    DB Associates (DB being Inspector-speak for ‘Dead Body’, thank you True Detective)

    Ghost-Faced Girls

    Truant Truncheons

    Blood Scriveners

    Scrimshaw’d Souls

    Void’s Daughter

    Bloody Footprints

    Drunk Deterers

    Kaos Boys

    Night Howlers

    Emperor’s Eyes





    Iruvia’s Heart


    The Keel Haul Gang

    Electric Starlight

    Black Stars

    The Dead Clarence’s Revenge

  2. McGarvey’s Efficiencies

    The Weekly Street Gang

    The Iron Lungfish

    Limmers Limited

    Roland’s Rangers

    Steel Stitchers

    The Flint Knap Crowd

    Stealing Sleepers

    Mayhem’s Marauders

    The Soft Touch Crew

    The Brass Lips

    Fear’s Friends Crew

    The Fiend Folio Gang

    The Diced Rollers

    Laugher’s Crew

    Cacklers and Cookers 

    Eldritch Eyes Crew

    Gilded Gliders

    The Wan Winners

    Dun Drummers

    Opal Appallers

    Knot Knitters

    Jackal Gnawers


    Leviathan Leeches

    The Lighthouse Crew

    The Deliverers

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