So after a way to many week hiatus, I finally got to run another session of Desks in the Dark (my hack of bitd).

So after a way to many week hiatus, I finally got to run another session of Desks in the Dark (my hack of bitd).

So after a way to many week hiatus, I finally got to run another session of Desks in the Dark (my hack of bitd). The thing is I completely forgot about resistance rolls for like half the session (I know they have been changed in v3 but for various reasons I’m not using the updates, at least at this time). Instead PC’s just took consequences as they came at them, AND. IT. WAS. FANTASTIC. Screw resisting effects, it’s way more fun for PC’s to take what’s coming at them, and it flows way better. I totally want to cut resisting consequences out of my game now, but I’ll need to think about what to do with traits and stress. I think the count down to PC’s being forced out of the game is important, but why give up the awesomeness I stumbled upon. Also, were tiger prep school students who blow up mech bays as an eyeless guy removes a fight between rotc students and giant spiked mechanics worms who spit liquid gummy candy from existence., because these thing happen.