Ink slingers!

Ink slingers!

Ink slingers! Would someone be willing to make like 3 characters of each playbook in an electronic format? If so, I would be willing to do a background blurb and simple sketch for each of them. Then they could be combined into a big prefab document so people could pick one and play.

I think this would help all of us, as a resource like that could make it easier to get people roped in to play. I picture asking people what playbook they want to play and giving them three characters to choose between, that being a mix of choice and preparation.

Basically I want to do this pretty fast for a convention game, and also have it as an option for my ongoing gang excursions.

Any takers?

(Maybe just do one per playbook. I dunno.)

2 thoughts on “Ink slingers!”

  1. Andrew, i’d gladly throw together a few sketch NPCs/pre-gen characters to appear in your Duskwall, if that’s what you’re looking for.

    Anything in particular that you want, or just looking to see what the community comes up with?

    Any particular format/character sheet, for those of us who don’t have an editable .pdf for the latest QS?

    When do you hope to have them submitted to you?

  2. I’m running a convention game on July 30. Here, I can assume people have or plan to get some passing familiarity with the game. There, not so much. So, I want to be able to skip character generation and go over the rules briefly, then get started.

    My hope is that this community can generate some on editable .pdfs, or make .pdfs that have the characters on them even if they are not editable. I want to digitally hand sheets over to players and go from there.

    As for character types, I figure it would be best to play close to the stereotype, so if someone wants to play “that kind of character” it’s right there for them to pick up.

    Upon reflection, maybe each one should have a male or female name, and a sketch each way, so you could play the same character either gender. I like that idea.

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