8 thoughts on “Can someone explain me how Reputation actually works?”

  1. Nope 😛

    In the last QS update Reputation is used to lower Heat, kind of a parallel on how you use Vice to lower your Stress, but I hadn’t seen any other use for it yet. 

  2. ‘Your crew’s reputation represents how you use your Renown effect rating to impress or frighten other crews.’

    They key here I think are the tags. Fictional cues to interactions that influence action/effect rolls and position.

  3. But when would you use it? Would it replace your own actions and effects somehow when invoking your crew’s rep?

    I pretty much use reputation as a way for the players to tell me how they operate and how others see them.

  4. One of the things I’m having a weird time managing is how and when crews get scores.

    I might start using Renown as a way to get the best scores, having the characters looking for work instead of receiving it.

  5. I don’t see the confusion guys?

    Reputation(s) are a list of fictional tags that inform the unfolding fiction.

    Renown is an effect rating that gets used when you impress or frighten other crews.

    So, say your crew has a reputation of being Daring and Brutal. You have a Renown of 2D. When you make a (team) action roll for say a Mayhem action during a gang war and the GM says its going to be a 8 part clock to take the Red Sashes out of action…

    Your Brutal and Daring tags influence the story as you describe your gang level actions (based on your rolls), and you get to add 2D of effect due to your Renown.

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