Does a city like Duskwall, neck-deep in crime and corruption, need a Batman (or close theme-appropriate analogue)?

Does a city like Duskwall, neck-deep in crime and corruption, need a Batman (or close theme-appropriate analogue)?

Does a city like Duskwall, neck-deep in crime and corruption, need a Batman (or close theme-appropriate analogue)?

Just a thought after last night’s session. 🙂

9 thoughts on “Does a city like Duskwall, neck-deep in crime and corruption, need a Batman (or close theme-appropriate analogue)?”

  1. In our current game our gang, the Silver Gate, is a group of “smugglers,” but what we’re smuggling is people who are fleeing from the imperial authorities or other criminal gangs. 🙂

  2. The conditions that give rise to vigilantes are rooted in utter injustice for those who are not in power. When there is no way to hold the powerful accountable for what they do, then people turn to violence. When the “system” is rigged to protect those who have it all, then those who do not have enough must go outside the system.

    What does YOUR Duskwall look like? =)

  3. I’d expect more Luke Cages, Clint Bartons, Matt Murdocks, Peter Parkers, Miles Morales, Kamala Khans, etc, than Batmans (you can tell by my examples which comic company I’m most well-versed in, huh?). 

    Working-class people, orphans, oppressed minorities, and outcasts, who carve out a neighborhood and protect it both from the predation of criminals and the abuses of the powerful.

    But, of course, Batman is Zorro at the end of the day, and a place like Duskwall deserves at least one Zorro, too.

  4. Andrew Shields It looks like our Duskwall maybe shares a little too much with Mos Eisley 🙂

    It is something I love about the game – the whole group taking an ownership of the setting as play goes on. We’re having a lot of fun.

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