Suggestion: it would be helpful to have a special ability where you can spend 1 stress to add +1 to your highest…

Suggestion: it would be helpful to have a special ability where you can spend 1 stress to add +1 to your highest…

Suggestion: it would be helpful to have a special ability where you can spend 1 stress to add +1 to your highest roll. This could replace one or more of the oft-repeated Daring special ability instances.

7 thoughts on “Suggestion: it would be helpful to have a special ability where you can spend 1 stress to add +1 to your highest…”

  1. Of course. And whatever you offer SHOULD increase the risk. The point here is that it’s no fun to tempt the players if they usually turn it down. The point is to tempt them and sweeten the pot so they are more likely to take the bargain.

  2. Anybody can get Daring by taking “Veteran.” Whatever you make widely available by making it a default on the template “strongly interacts with the rest of the balance in the system.” 

    Like everyone having something that gives them “armor” to protect against a kind of threat, and clears stress on a kind of roll getting critical success. But those are customized, and Daring isn’t.

    Of course, I may misunderstand.

  3. Nathan Roberts I’m not talking about more dice here. I’m talking about +1 on your highest roll. So a 5 goes to a 6, for example. There’s nothing in the game at all that offers a bonus on a die, it’s all dice pools. Sure, maybe this doesn’t work, but if it is a special ability then it’s contained to only those who pay to get it.

    +1 on your highest die can save you. +1d is just another chance to maybe succeed or maybe fail.

  4. I hear you Andrew 🙂

    I just thought that before you start adding a +1, maybe the Devil’s bargain would help add risk, narrative immersion and increase the odds of rolling a six.

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