9 thoughts on “I’m really liking what I see here, apart from the blah *World-ism of calling things “Moves”.”

  1. Its mainly actions, but it mentions ‘after every GM Move,  ask what do you do?’

    Anyways, I like to refer to them as moves since its what i do as a player: I make moves.

  2. I think everyone here is calling them moves but they aren’t called that in the book?  Not quite sure?  I also don’t like moves so much as a word used to describe these things.  I like how the word actions is used on the character sheet in a way similar to how skills would be used in other games.

  3. It’s not quite like *World where the stuff you do is all moves.

    The stuff you do while on point or while backup is called moves. I haven’t used any particular terminology for it, though. Just “you’re on point, here’s what you can do” for the first few times and then everyone gets it.

    And the levels of difficulty are controlled move, risky move, and desperate move. I’ve been calling them actions instead because, well, they’re triggered when you take action. But saying, “whoah, that’s a desperate move” also fits perfectly and creates a bit of Duskwall parlance.

  4. Yeah, Benjamin, that’s a bit of sloppy writing on my part. I’ve internalized that term as general RPG jargon, but it’s not totally appropriate for Blades. I’ll likely clean up the text and remove mention of “moves” unless it’s the best word for a particular case.

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