10 thoughts on “Quick and easy one: What is a ghost door?”

  1. Zing! 🙂 But for real, is it a door that allows you to pass solid objects, as I assume ghosts can do? That would be pretty awesome! And probably illegal to own…

  2. When we first played Blades with #theMalkavs  I had no idea that something like a “ghost key” existed. The Whisperer read about it and was all excited, so I quickly introduced half a dozen of ancient armors that were possessed by the spirits of old warriors, locked inside by a ghost lock.

    I don’t know what is going to be on the finished game, but I love when a group takes one evocative and completely nondescript detail John Harper use to write in all his games and go wild with it.

    Please tell us what a ghost door is in your game!: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+DuamnFigueroa/posts/Gooqikg8uCr

  3. At our table, we decided they were sites of power where ghosts could be definitively banished, off to whatever nether-hell awaits them beyond the physical world. They also emit energies useful to students of the arcane, particularly valuable in the extraction and refinement of spirit essences.

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