Just read through the quick start and I’m loving the system.

Just read through the quick start and I’m loving the system.

Just read through the quick start and I’m loving the system.  I’m curious though if you intend to have a variant rule about group ticks in the final book?  If not, here’s the hack/variant rule that my group intends to use (it’s based on nWoD 2nd Ed’s “Group Beats”):

At the end of each session each player adds their Desperate Action Ticks into a group pool, which is then divided out evenly to each member of the crew.  If this does not divide evenly, then the left over ticks remain in the group pool to be added at the end of next session.

They then do the same with Playbook Advancement Ticks.

(Alternatively, the left over ticks could go towards Crew Advancement)

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