Really hope Jhereg happens this time round for Steven. And for John, for keeping the dream alive.

Really hope Jhereg happens this time round for Steven. And for John, for keeping the dream alive.

Really hope Jhereg happens this time round for Steven. And for John, for keeping the dream alive.


In college, I worked pretty seriously on a game based on the Vlad Taltos books of Steven Brust, around 1991-92. I was corresponding with Brust regularly, and I thought I might have a shot at working out a publishing deal. He ultimately decided to go with Steve Jackson Games, who managed a first draft of a GURPS Jhereg book but never took it any further. My version used the core Action Table system from Talislanta, and was honestly a pretty boring stat+skill+dice affair. Better than GURPS, but that’s not saying much.

3 thoughts on “Really hope Jhereg happens this time round for Steven. And for John, for keeping the dream alive.”

  1. That is some deep archive stuff, right there. 🙂

    I still have the photocopied pages Steve sent me from the canceled GURPS Jhereg thing. It was… not very good.

  2. GURPS is great, but mechanics have evolved in the last 30 years and it’s hard to try to shoehorn modern day mechanics into the GURPS system (although there have been some attempts).

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