Some of the comments in the discussion about moves in the playbooks got me thinking about how which games we have experienced informs our reading and reception of the rules. This in turn got me curious as to everyone else’s gaming backgrounds.
I’ve always been the one in my gamer friends most willing to try out new games/systems, but I started by playing a metric ton of AD&D 2nd Edition in junior high and highschool, with a sprinkling of World of Darkness when my older sister picked up the Vampire 2nd ed core book. Added 7th Sea, Deadlands, and D&D 3.x to he mix before really getting involved with a Vampire larp in college. Since then I’ve bounced around between other game systems, but have always had whatever was the current edition of D&D as the backbone to the local gaming groups here in south Louisiana.
I miss you Shadowrun 3rd Ed. (Call me!)
I miss you, too, Shadowrun! (Don’t call me, I’m with someone else now)
I’ve spent the most time playing Classic World of Darkness and Exalted, although I’ve also had a fair amount of experience with D&D 3.x (including Pathfinder), and had brief forays into other systems (from GURPS to Savage Worlds to 7th Sea).
Most recently, I’ve been on a Fantasy Flight Star Wars kick. Blades is my first story game, and it’s been a really interesting experience.
Here’s the spreadsheet where I keep my list of RPGs played:
203 and counting! 🙂