Maybe a silly question: Does the Connected upgrade on the Hawker’s crew sheet just reduce Wanted level one time when…

Maybe a silly question: Does the Connected upgrade on the Hawker’s crew sheet just reduce Wanted level one time when…

Maybe a silly question: Does the Connected upgrade on the Hawker’s crew sheet just reduce Wanted level one time when taken? I’m guessing it can only be taken once since there’s only one tick box?

2 thoughts on “Maybe a silly question: Does the Connected upgrade on the Hawker’s crew sheet just reduce Wanted level one time when…”

  1. One time when taken makes sense.

    Reducing it once when taken is already permanent in the sense that gaining Wanted is also permanent except through this advance.

    If it lowered your Wanted cap, there seem to be two outcomes: If Wanted is like Trauma in that when it’s full your crew has to retire/fold, then lowering your wanted cap would be a bad thing. I don’t see that Wanted works that way though, in which case, you just would never be able to be at Wanted level 4.

    That makes me wonder both 1) does anything mechanical happen to crews after they max out their heat with Wanted 4, and 2) What if the Connected crew upgrade instead affected heat gained per score or Heat reduction rolls?

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