47 thoughts on “The KS is live now!!!”

  1. Sir is going to need some new tiers to unlock! (Perhaps an assistant on hand to rescue you if a pile of money tips over on you!)  Seriously, I think it’s so awesome to see the upwelling of positivity.

  2. Sick looking game! Gonna see if I have the financial power to back a bit closer to the completion time. I’ve got the reminder set up, so I’ll know when it’s almost over. Looking forward to it tho!

  3. nice, next stretched goal will break in 2~3h. Lets see whats comes next.

    I expected to to be hyped, but well this progress is far beyond my hopes. So thrilling to see what will come up the next weeks.

  4. Take care of yourself! No doubt you’ve already worked this all out, but as the numbers climb into the stratosphere it crosses my mind that it must be tempting to make additional commitments.

    I’m projecting from my own experience – I’m in this situation with my Patreon (albeit at a fraction of the scale!)

    Demand is still inching upwards, I’ve crossed all my targets, but I can’t think of any good goals because (for now, anyways) I’m already at maximum output. I want to rise to meet the demand (it’s delightful to be wanted), but it would mean making sacrifices I’m not currently willing to.

  5. My national debt joke aside, I think there’s an upper limit you’ll have to set, John. Clearly this project is moving forward. Limiting stretch goals and hence expectations of what you’ll deliver is perfectly reasonable. I expect it’d be tough to resist the siren song of being popular but you don’t have to keep tossing out bigger and bigger goals just because the funding window is still open. I’m confident you have a plan in place already but, as a backer, wanted you to know I expect you’ll call it when enough is enough.

  6. Thanks, Matt.

    I did plan for this, but it’s going faster than I expected. Still, I have 5 planned add-ons still in the wings, so they’ll just come out a bit more slowly now. 🙂

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