So last night I ran my third session of Blades.

So last night I ran my third session of Blades.

So last night I ran my third session of Blades. It was the second session for one group and the first session for any of the groups to feel right on my side of the table. What I mean is that while every game was fun, this was the first time that Blades started to fulfill its promise to me. Part of it was that I was starting to get comfortable with the core mechanic. More importantly, the downtime meta-game aspects really came through and helped replicate that feeling of a group of scoundrels who are barely keeping it together. Vices were indulged. Blue coats had to be bought off. And the mad scramble for turf and influence was on. Loved it.

One of the most promising things about the game is that it helps me with really being able to put the player characters in escalating danger. I’ve fallen into a rut with other games of late where I haven’t been able to dial up the pressure once an encounter/scene has started. Not so last night. With little help from me, the rules did most the work on that score. Presenting the outcome before giving the players the option to resist was a big part (and that was one thing that felt very weird initially).

Anyway, I’m hooked now. Can’t wait for the next iteration of the game.