I tell you one hack I would love to see, is a Victorian/Sherlockian themed hack, were you get to play James…

I tell you one hack I would love to see, is a Victorian/Sherlockian themed hack, were you get to play James…

I tell you one hack I would love to see, is a Victorian/Sherlockian themed hack, were you get to play James Moriarty, Sebastian Moran, Edward Pierce, Robert Agar. With playbooks like snakesman, cracksman, screwsman, bludgeoner!


Maybe with a steampunk twist, I would love it set in 2000AD’s Stickleback’s London


Some questions about items.

Some questions about items.

Some questions about items.

1. Can they have any or all the items on their sheet, so as the Hound, I could carry my Fine Long rifle, pistols and have my pet tagging along.

2. So if I & my pet wanted to murder someone, would the pet add any benefits to the action roll or just +1d to the Force effect?

3. For items like vial and ammunition, is there a limit to the number of uses and once exhausted how do you replace them?

Say when pulling the job you decide to ambush the guards, say use force for effect, but only get a partial success…

Say when pulling the job you decide to ambush the guards, say use force for effect, but only get a partial success…

Say when pulling the job you decide to ambush the guards, say use force for effect, but only get a partial success so take 2 of their 4 segments. 

How could you follow that up?

Also what does that represent in narrative terms?

One thing I would like to see is some more examples of play as to how it all hangs together.

One thing I would like to see is some more examples of play as to how it all hangs together.

One thing I would like to see is some more examples of play as to how it all hangs together. For example under Putting It All Together, I would like to see those as extended examples.