The Bazso I created in my campaign was a bit different than the one I think John had in mind, but I can easily say…

The Bazso I created in my campaign was a bit different than the one I think John had in mind, but I can easily say…

The Bazso I created in my campaign was a bit different than the one I think John had in mind, but I can easily say he is the most entertaining and fun to play NPC iv’e made. To give a sense of his personality the players met him in the first session of the campaign, they made the Lampblacks their allies and so I figured their first score would be securing and transporting some drugs for Bazso (they are a crew of smugglers). But the way that they actually meet him was such a fun scene. They arrived at Bazso’s lair (a coal warehouse). From the outside they can hear this monotonous thudding sound coming from within the warehouse. They enter through the front door and they are greeted by the typical lampblack members who all give a quick wave in-between stacking various crates of drugs and other illicit goods. They climb the metal stairs up to Bazso’s office, all the while this thudding sound persists, and as a matter of fact gets louder as they near Bazso’s office. Once they get to the top they upon the metal door to his office and we are presented with a gruesome scene. We see a man tied to a chair. Standing in front of the man we see an average sized gentleman wearing nice dress pants, a black vest with golden buttons, curled up white sleeves, slicked back black hair and most notably we see the mans wicked smile as he makes eye contact with our crew. He apologizes profusely as the crew walks in “I am so sorry to greet you like this please give me a moment to clean up” After each sentence Bazso always flashes his toothy grin. Bazso unwraps the chains wrapped around his knuckles and they drop to the floor in the pool of blood and flesh at the base of the man tied to the chair. “Please, come take a seat. I just need to say that I am so HAPPY to see you all. I am looking SO forward to what comes of our future business deals and I am just SO happy to be friends with you all”. Again Bazso flashes his toothy grin and he takes a seat in the chair behind his desk. “Would you all care for a cup of tea?” Anyways I think this should give a decent idea of what kind of man Bazso is. He is a high functioning sociopath. I love him as a character so much and my day was made when one of my players sent me a picture of some fan art she made of Bazso when he is taking a break from work. As a GM, to have one of my players make fan/concept art of one my NPC’s is one of the most satisfying things I have experienced in my couple years of GM’ing. I just had to share it because it made my day!

There is talk of the spirit trade and what not in Blades.

There is talk of the spirit trade and what not in Blades.

There is talk of the spirit trade and what not in Blades. Specifically i’m talking about the Dimmer Sisters. I was wondering what is the spirit trade? What are the different things that you can do with spirits that makes it work capturing (and selling) them, besides being an alternate source to create electricity. I’m assuming you can control spirits and use them as guards? Have them possess people and have them work in drug dens synthesizing the various products for sale while not needing breaks? I’m just spitballing but i’d like to know what other people know/ have come up with?

I just finished my a session with my players.

I just finished my a session with my players.

I just finished my a session with my players. They jist of the score was that they had to steal something from a manor in brightstone. Obviously the manor was heavily guarded and what not. The reason I am posting this is too ask about my use of clocks. This is only the second session of Blades I have run and i’m curious if I used clocks correctly. There was a clock regarding the guards awareness of the players that filled up after a blunder attempt at lock picking following a horrible engagement roll. Next I used clocks to track the “health” of the guards as they were killed by a crew member that had packed a heavy weapon (the equivalent of a blunderbuss in this case) and kept the men at bay. Meanwhile the spider used their blueprints to realize the vault was directly below them. Using his sabotage gear he attempted to wreck and bust a hole in the ceiling of the vault for this I used a clock to track the vaults integrity. Also our whisper user her special ability to make fog which made it so the guard could not find the players, for this I used a two segment clock which meant the guards could not discern the players location, until eventually the explosion from cracking into the vault filled the clock and the guards honed back in on the players location. Furthermore our blunderbuss friend was also a leech and used some of his alchemical bombs and wreck to strike fear into the guards hope to make them wary of coming near the players as they were breaking into the vault, for this I had a clock ticking up after the players actions to scare off the guards. Anyways i’m curious of anyone’s experiences using clocks and what you used them for and if how I used them was justified? Thanks!

I am a fairly new DM and i’m even newer to Blades in the Dark (My only prior game being Dungeon world, but I have…

I am a fairly new DM and i’m even newer to Blades in the Dark (My only prior game being Dungeon world, but I have…

I am a fairly new DM and i’m even newer to Blades in the Dark (My only prior game being Dungeon world, but I have watched people play for a few years on ItmeJP’s channel if you are familiar). I want to start learning the game’s systems and help my players (along with myself) learn the world/setting as well. To do this I want to have a couple of one shots, I was curious if anyone could give me any tips on one shots in general and more specifically for Blades. Thanks!