The Queen is Dead, Long Live the Queen! (LONG POST)

The Queen is Dead, Long Live the Queen! (LONG POST)

The Queen is Dead, Long Live the Queen! (LONG POST)

Two interesting stories were found in the most recent newspaper circulating in Crow’s foot: The recent death of the Red Sash Matriarch, Mylera Klev, and the upcoming wedding of Bazso Baz. The Crows knew that these two events weren’t pure coincidence. Naria Klev, daughter of Mylera, was to wed Baszo Baz in a political union that would have, if successful, pushed the Crows right out of Crow’s Foot.

Vulture (a Lurk), Kestrel (a Hound), and Cricket (a Slide) determined that they would cause a “domestic squabble” at Mylera’s wake to drum up bad feelings between the Lampblacks and the Red Sashes. Vulture suggested that Kestrel could pose as a former lover, a “sympathetic female figure,” to feed unpleasant information to Naria–to “regale her with tales of what she’s in for”. Kestrel planned to place incriminating letters (seemingly written by Bazso) in the Red Sash temple.

Kestrel attempted to infiltrate the Lampblacks to instruct them on the correct military fashion for formal occasions, but was initially rebuffed (while arousing suspicion from her own gang that she was attempting to defect to the Lampblacks). As a suspicious character, Kestrel was taken to the wake in custody.

Cricket disguised himself as an undertaker, Mr. Goodwill, and offered his services to the Red Sashes as an impartial party in a tense situation. Naria was skeptical, but asked to have flowers and mourners provided.

Cricket: “As an extra service, we provide the ability to arrange everything, so that you can mourn in peace.”

Naria: “Mr. Goodwill, I will take care of everything.”

Cricket: “Let me be your guiding hand.”

Naria: “Nothing more and nothing less.”

She also asked him to have a paid mourner carry a concealed dagger for her.

At the wake, a gang of hired rooks scouted out the chapel so as to determine which Lampblacks and Red Sashes were disaffected. Professor Carro (a Red Sash) was rumored to have been providing access to his servants and pages to Baszo. Luckily, a falsified paper trail of such transactions could be secreted into Red Sash headquarters for Naria to find after the wake.

Vulture tripped Kestrel; some of the Lampblacks laughed, but others became more suspicious of Kestrel.

When Naria took a few quiet moments alone (and with her inner circle distracted by Mr. Goodwill), Kestrel presented–in moving terms–the case against Baszo: “The mockery you saw out there, that’s just the start of it. They’re a pack of wild baboons. Baszo, though, he’s a good one. When I was with him, I got the nights to myself. At night, he had his private things.” Although Kestrel played the part of a traumatized former lover well, Naria wasn’t keen to trust new people: “What do you know? How do you know Baz? I’ve never even met you before.” Naria walked back to the main room.

With a bit of fumbling and wine spilling, Vulture snuck a ring off the hand of the biggest, meanest-looking Lampblack goon, Morlan. He then stashed the ring in the bag of a nearby Red Sash swordsman, Holtz. After a thorough handshake from Cricket, Morlan noticed his missing jewelry and began making accusations. Vulture got Holtz snickering with an off-color joke, thereby attracting attention. Baszo was unable to calm the escalating situation and a bare-knuckle brawl ensued.

In the ensuing chaos, Kestrel brought a Whisper into the chapel to channel the spirit of the recently departed, Mylera Klev.

Kestrel: <>

Mylera: <>

Kestrel: <>

Mylera: <>

The Whisper (in the voice of Mylera): “Tell her to wear the amulet: it will stop his tricks.”

By this time, the brawl had come to an end.

Holtz was taken into custody by the Lampblacks. Morlan was reprimanded. Mr. Goodman apologized to Naria with great sincerity, thereby breaking down some of her barriers.

Kestrel tried again to convince Naria of Bazso’s intention to take over the Red Sashes. She also told Naria to look under the oak for the amulet. Upon hearing this, Naria was gripped by a strange, uncanny fear, so she had Kestrel and the Whisper taken to a dungeon under Red Sash headquarters.

The others left the wake, returning to their lives.

Upon returning to Red Sash headquarters, Naria found the falsified paper trail detailing Baszo’s unsavory dealings with the wards of Professor Carro; however, she was not convinced of their authenticity. While in custody, Kestrel handed over a spirit anchor. Using this object, Naria was able to channel the voice of her mother. Naria wept and then collapsed. Upon rising, she released Kestrel and the Whisper.

If anyone has time this Sunday at 2:00 pm Mountain Time (1:00 pm PT, 3:00 pm CT, 4:00 pm ET), and the patience to…

If anyone has time this Sunday at 2:00 pm Mountain Time (1:00 pm PT, 3:00 pm CT, 4:00 pm ET), and the patience to…

If anyone has time this Sunday at 2:00 pm Mountain Time (1:00 pm PT, 3:00 pm CT, 4:00 pm ET), and the patience to play with a new GM, I’d like to run a stand-alone score.

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An interesting little actual-play tidbit from our Blades session this afternoon.

An interesting little actual-play tidbit from our Blades session this afternoon. Jeroen van Lier’s Whisper: “I can SEE that it’s a statue, but what has it done to my MIND?”

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