I have two questions about downtime activities:

I have two questions about downtime activities:

I have two questions about downtime activities:

1. You get +1d for doing a downtime activity with the assistance of a contact or friend. But Recover, a downtime activity, requires the help of a contact or friend. It seems silly to get +1d on every Recover, and the example doesn’t seem to have one, but the overall downtime rules seem very clear on this.

2. Likewise, you can spend 1 coin to turn a 1-3 into a 4/5 or a 4/5 into a 6 or a 6 into a critical. This works for most of the downtime activities…but what about Indulge Vice? It isn’t divided into tiers of success. If I roll a 1 on Indulge Vice and spend a coin, what do I get? Does it become a 2? Maybe a 4? Perhaps a 5?