Hiyas fellow scoundrels and scoundrelettes!

Hiyas fellow scoundrels and scoundrelettes!

Hiyas fellow scoundrels and scoundrelettes!

I appologise in advanced if this has already been answered but my search-fu is quite lackin!

I was wondering what kind of “soundrack” audio ambiance you play (if any) during your BITD sessions…

I currently favor Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, The Tigerlilies and The Sisters of Mercy with other OSTs intermixed.


Hiyas again!

Hiyas again!

Hiyas again!

Tis me again, w/a basic setting question: Is there [drinkable] water in the Shattered Islands’ world? I mean, if the entire ocean “turned to ink (-like substance)” one would surmise that most fluids are thus, right?

Sadly, I find nothing about this in the corebook…


PS: I didn’t know in which subgroup to posit this, sorry if I made a boo-boo.

Hello guys and gals in the dark!

Hello guys and gals in the dark!

Hello guys and gals in the dark!

Newbie here with newbie questions!

I was wondering if you could help me!

About getting a crew’s “elite” gang type packages (they only cost 1), does one have to already have its’ respective “normal” crew type package (which costs 2)?
