The Score Cheat Sheet

The Score Cheat Sheet

The Score Cheat Sheet

I wanted to make a new cheat sheet for The Score, so that it would help center the group and have everything I need all in one place.

This is my first draft. Do you like it? Is there anything else I need to include?

Keep in mind that this sheet is just for the Score. I have posted my general Action sheet, and I think that the default Downtime sheet is pretty good.

I have a PDF Version if you want a closer look:–mCaczVIdVlhVEhDZ3c

Clock Cards

Clock Cards

Clock Cards

Much like Fate, I like to be ecologically minded, and I hate burning up post-its and index cards with clocks. Also, I am pretty uneven on making good looking clocks every time. So I decided to make some clock cards that are dry-erasable.

These cards are printed and then laminated. They can be written on with a dry-erase marker and then wiped clean. I made 4, 6, and 8 clocks.

If you want to make your own you can start with this PDF:–mCaNVhUOFR6Mi1ZWXM

Print them, cut them out, laminate them, and cut them out again.

I made two sets and it seems like that should be enough cards for a session (4 of each).

Alternative GM Sheet

Alternative GM Sheet

Alternative GM Sheet

After running a few sessions, I was still flipping pages in the PDF so I made a new GM Sheet that condensed all the Action Rolls and related info into one sheet.

Thank you to John Harper for having the backer level of the KS with the InDesign files, it made it quite easy to grab the parts I wanted and pull them into Illustrator.

If anyone is interested I have it out on Google Drive:–mCadHZoaVQ2SGo4cTA–mCadHZoaVQ2SGo4cTA

First Session Questions

First Session Questions

First Session Questions

Hello! I just ran my first session of Blades, and while I think I got the hang of it, I do have a few questions. These are likely basic ones, but if someone has the time to clarify things, that would be a big help.

So my understand so far is that every kind of opposition is either a single roll or a clock of sorts.

So tonight, I used a group of Red Sashes as a 6-tick clock, and just had the players make checks against the clock until it was full, then let them narrate what happened to the guards. Did I do that right?

I have two related questions. When I assign Harm or consequences via ticks on a clock for a 4/5 result. How do I know what level or how many ticks to assign? Is it determined by the die roll, the type of action (controlled, risky, desperate), or the player’s level of effect?

So if a character makes a Risky/Standard Skirmish roll and get a 4/5 how many ticks can I put on a clock or how much harm could I assign?

Thanks for the help.
