My PCs recently discovered that a vampiric member of the Duskwall Council has large groups of the unwilling smuggled…

My PCs recently discovered that a vampiric member of the Duskwall Council has large groups of the unwilling smuggled…

My PCs recently discovered that a vampiric member of the Duskwall Council has large groups of the unwilling smuggled into his manor house basement via private docks at night. Distant screams can be heard from deep inside. And barrels are later shipped out.

What do you think is going on in there? And why have it happen at the manner house in Whitecrown rather than in some secret location tucked away in the Nightmarket or Silkshore? Any ideas?

How do people manage other factions running a job on the PCs?

How do people manage other factions running a job on the PCs?

How do people manage other factions running a job on the PCs? 

Does it happen off-camera, with the PCs just hearing about the aftermath or… is it some kind of reverse score? Mechanically speaking, how do they defend against this kind of thing? How should it be interpreted in the macro-rules of either running a score/spending downtime?

Excellent fourth session.

Excellent fourth session.

Excellent fourth session. 

Some discussion about whether going to Ulf Ironborn to negotiate a deal between him and the gang could be considered a score. Ultimately we decided yes and ran it as such under a social plan (interestingly led to one of the PCs killing their friend and suffering a terrible gunshot wound in a flashback gone wrong and eventually being sent to Ironhook as part of the entanglement).

I was happy with the outcome, but I wonder if others might have interpreted the act of negotiating an agreements with another faction differently, using downtime rules perhaps? One player suggested it could be a long term project. 

Two players played different characters during each of the scores they ran in this session. How does that work with downtime and XP? We ruled 2 moves per player per downtime. At the end of the game the playbook checklist is fine to do for each character separately, but how about the ticks for Resolve etc. Should only one character get them? Who decides? How?

Otherwise, no issues. Very happy with v3 Quick Start rules. 

A young noble boy unexpectedly playing with his puppies in the basement right in front of the family vault the crew…

A young noble boy unexpectedly playing with his puppies in the basement right in front of the family vault the crew…

A young noble boy unexpectedly playing with his puppies in the basement right in front of the family vault the crew intended to break into proved to be far more of a challenge (and a plot point) than I could have anticipated.

The crew, of course, kidnapped the boy and his puppies. Then robbed the family blind. Where does the ransom come from?

A solid first session.

A solid first session.

A solid first session. There’s a mismatch in adjectives between the Action Rolls and Effect Levels that were a little confusing, but otherwise the rules ran great.

They diverted the armoured carriage, killed the guards, seized the goods, and avoided unwanted attention in spite of an out-of-control mist & lightening cloud, a second gang also on the same job, and a persistent pair of Bluecoats on the beat.