Are there any hacks someone wished existed but are too lazy to write up?

Are there any hacks someone wished existed but are too lazy to write up?

Are there any hacks someone wished existed but are too lazy to write up? I seem to be short on inspiration, save for the obvious (Star Trek, Shadowrun, etc.)

If a character takes the Reduce Heat action during downtime, is that a proper action roll?

If a character takes the Reduce Heat action during downtime, is that a proper action roll?

If a character takes the Reduce Heat action during downtime, is that a proper action roll? If I roll a 3, in addition to reducing the Crew’s Heat, do I also incur complications?

John Harper: As someone who just discovered this game (REALLY late to the party…), will the source files for the…

John Harper: As someone who just discovered this game (REALLY late to the party…), will the source files for the…

John Harper: As someone who just discovered this game (REALLY late to the party…), will the source files for the game be a Kickstarter exclusive? Will there be any way to pay for access to those down the road? I have some playbooks I’d love to make and share. What a brilliant product, thank you.