On the Shattered Isles map, there are now some cities that are plain white dots, and some which are white circles…

On the Shattered Isles map, there are now some cities that are plain white dots, and some which are white circles…

On the Shattered Isles map, there are now some cities that are plain white dots, and some which are white circles with black dots. As there is no legend added to the map to go along with these changes, what is the significance of the different markers?

How do other folks running games handle mechanically interacting with NPC/Faction downtime actions?

How do other folks running games handle mechanically interacting with NPC/Faction downtime actions?

How do other folks running games handle mechanically interacting with NPC/Faction downtime actions? “Advance their project clocks” and “choose a downtime manouver or two”… are we just ticking one box, making a tier roll, using the manouvers to gain additional ticks past a base tick on their clock?

It seems like, for instance, if you have two factions that each are involved in the current fiction and have same-sized clocks, by simply ticking fixed increments they are stuck in a side by side race forever, or until they collectively collapse upon each other?

It seems like just making one tick per cycle moves faction changes slowly, where determining up to 5 segments potentially per jump would really make an interesting lull-and-race pacing for world events. So, that is definitely a way we can control that pace, but I’m interested to hear how others approach it.