I ran my first games of Blades last night, the Tier 0 Crew immediately went on the rob in Charterhall which is one…

I ran my first games of Blades last night, the Tier 0 Crew immediately went on the rob in Charterhall which is one…

I ran my first games of Blades last night, the Tier 0 Crew immediately went on the rob in Charterhall which is one of the richest districts with a lot of security, right?

Should they have been able to attempt a Score in Chaterhall? It isn’t in their Hunting Grounds, but it made the most sense for what they wanted to do. (Find some fancy medicines.)

Should I have made the place teaming with security guards and filled with locks they had no chance of disabling? Should Desperate / Limited have been the baseline? I’ve seen other posts on this board where the players stick in their small hunting grounds and only pick Tier appropriate targets. This approach makes sense but it seems a shame to have a detailed city to play in but not to really use it.

Finally (sorry for the long post!) Which factions have the Crew annoyed by robbing Charterhall? For some districts (Like The Crows Foot) it seems obvious which group is in charge.

Thanks a lot for any help!

