

Just an idea, I’d like to know if it could work.

Let’s say I have ten friends . Each of them is a different character , but they all decide to be part of the same crew .

Now , one evening maybe there are some friends , and we decided to play a score .

The next evening , with different friends , we make another score . This way you could keep tied to the same crew and the same game different players and allow a game in the long run , independently of the availability of all the friends for each night .

Would it work ?

Yesterday our group (Simone Micucci Domenico Marino Nikitas Thlimmenos ) tried the  game and I have some question.

Yesterday our group (Simone Micucci Domenico Marino Nikitas Thlimmenos ) tried the  game and I have some question.

Yesterday our group (Simone Micucci Domenico Marino Nikitas Thlimmenos ) tried the  game and I have some question.

Sorry in advance for my poor english. I hope you’ll understand.


1. Every obstacle has to have a danger attached, right?, that I have to face if a doesnt’ roll a full succes.

2. The “on point”/backup mechanic works only during the operations or even if two players gather informations before the operations?

3. Does the the “on point”/backup mechanic apply at a flashback action during the execution of a plan? Example: I failed to lockpick the door and have to face the danger in the form of a guard coming by. Another player, even if not “on point” can do a Flashback action in which he has bribed the guard?

4. The 4/5 result in Controlled (-1 level in effects), means that if I roll a Complete effects I have to count it as a Partial?

5 Flashback scene: the danger in a Flashback scene has to deal with the past (during the flashback scene) or it can be a danger in the present?

6. The danger has to be focused on the PG or on the NPC too? 

(Example: the player consort with an ally to convince him to give the group a secret map. The danger could be “Someone will beat/murder your ally because has given away the map?”


I’ve some problem thinkin about the possible danger of an obstacle.

I’ve some problem thinkin about the possible danger of an obstacle.

I’ve some problem thinkin about the possible danger of an obstacle.

If the players have to deal with a complex lock to enter in a room (and not a trap, like the one in the example of play), which kind of danger can I create? 

It can’t be “the lock brokes” because it will be to negate their victory.

It has to be directly connected with the obstacle or can be something else? 

Ok, I’ve a question (maybe a silly question)

Ok, I’ve a question (maybe a silly question)

Ok, I’ve a question (maybe a silly question) 

When the players roll for Gather information, they can choose any actions they like (that fit the fiction) or it’s a kind of special roll made without adding the action dots?