So I have one group playing my Shadowrun hack that has lasted 15 sessions.
So I have one group playing my Shadowrun hack that has lasted 15 sessions. We have a finale this Sunday, so over the past few months I’ve been seeking new players for the next group, and want to try something a little different. Five different new groups have all failed in less than a session.
I often begin with describing the basic premise, the role of players, then my role, and move on to a brief on the core mechanic. This includes a transition into Stress and its uses/recovery. I also cover Resistance and it’s versatility. Then I return to the fiction, presenting the starting situation and likely directions for play. We talk about the characters and then—-
brick wall.
They suddenly don’t know what to do. They are suddenly afraid to act. They start asking about which equipment they have. They all seem to have not been listening at all! Like, one person will do something, and as soon as there is a consequence, they stop acting. They don’t ask to resist (they take the beating, and get upset), and others don’t spend their stress (until the end of the session), and still others fail to engage the fiction at all (they just call out an Action name and throw down their dice, then later complain they weren’t engaged). Worst case (and this happened!) a player waited in an imaginary line permanently, never taking meaningful action, thinking I must address them before they could act.
Do I take extra time to cover the concept (like read them the headings from Players Best Practices and briefly explain their meaning ahead of time) or chock it up to bad players. Maybe a list of required reading will alleviate some of this. Little help?