Hey everyone!

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I’ve updated the master soundtrack post with downloadable zip files of all the playlists. There are three links available for each playlist, a Box link, a Dropbox link, and a Mediafire link for your preference and convenience. (Note: the Box and Dropbox account have set monthly bandwidth limits and will shut off if exceeded: Mediafire does not, but the file will be deleted if not accessed in a while.) Each zip file contains all the songs, the album cover, and two playlists that should work in any media player you’re using.

Also, please let me know if something doesn’t work right.

I have not yet found an alternative to 8tracks I like for streaming purposes, but I’m still looking. I’ll edit the master post again with updates.

Enjoy, my fellow rogues!

Master post found here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+KristyShields/posts/1F8FVh7F84G

Hey all!

Hey all!

Hey all! Long time, no see. I was getting ready to embark on another soundscape binge for you all to use for your game sessions, when I noticed today that 8tracks is now limited streaming unless you upgrade to their service.

So! If you’ve enjoyed my 8tracks soundscapes previously and are lamenting this fact, fear not. I am compiling them into physical files and will be adding Box.net and Mediafire links to the sticky post for you to download for your own personal use. This also means I am free of 8tracks rules, so I might be expanding them a bit as well. 😉

Game on.

I wasn’t sure whether to post this here or in Discussion.  So here goes:

I wasn’t sure whether to post this here or in Discussion.  So here goes:

I wasn’t sure whether to post this here or in Discussion.  So here goes:

I’m a big Darkest Dungeon fan.  I finally started playing it a couple weeks ago (Andrew Shields  and I Kickstarted it), and I’m hooked – although it is a horrible, horrible thing to watch your favorite heroes get mauled.  

Anyway, I am collector of name generators and such, and ran across a MASSIVE list of all the names used in Darkest Dungeon yesterday. Seriously, there are over 500 on the list.  I thought it might come in handy for people who have trouble coming up with names, or others like myself who keep them all in a folder on their computer just in case you need them someday.



Our play report from our first adventure “The Warehouse Job” from last night.

Our play report from our first adventure “The Warehouse Job” from last night.

Our play report from our first adventure “The Warehouse Job” from last night. 

I had meant to have a lot more prep work done in advance, custom character sheets and such, but I just ran out of time.  I cut the Whisper playbook out completely as it will need some retooling for my setting, so we had the other four playbooks represented.  We also had some difficulty figuring out the Crew creation from the two rule sets, so we just winged some of that too.  I think it turned out well, and the group seemed to have a good time.


Despite 8tracks being super squirrely today, I’ve completed the next installment.

Despite 8tracks being super squirrely today, I’ve completed the next installment.

Despite 8tracks being super squirrely today, I’ve completed the next installment.  This playlist is perfect for your noble parties (that you’ll probably be robbing) or anytime you need a pleasant musical interlude. This one has far more actual music on it than background noise, but of course Thief and Dishonored show up at the end to make things creepy.

Also, I updated “Sacred” with five new tracks.


I’m back with my next soundscape installment – Cobblestones.

I’m back with my next soundscape installment – Cobblestones.

I’m back with my next soundscape installment – Cobblestones.  This is good for general background or exploring the city streets.  

I’ve got two more planned at this point – one for snooty nobles (Lady Boyle’s party from Dishonored kind of thing) and another for taverns and pubs.


Blades in the Dark Soundscape Master Post

Blades in the Dark Soundscape Master Post

Blades in the Dark Soundscape Master Post

Machinations – (heavy machinery, factory sounds)

8tracks (streaming) – http://8tracks.com/shadowfell/machinations-inspired-by-blades-in-the-dark

Box – https://app.box.com/s/gjdlv074jtufcc9z5u1rxfn0l11dewuh

Dropbox – https://www.dropbox.com/s/5hikx5srmf0cibk/BitD-Machinations.zip?dl=0

Mediafire – http://www.mediafire.com/file/1ejgpc7tdthdnud/BitD-Machinations.zip

Heist – (infiltrating and robbery)

8tracks (streaming) – http://8tracks.com/shadowfell/heist-inspired-by-blades-in-the-dark

Box – https://app.box.com/s/97noy0nxfoigzf9ah4l5k6r99alwi1gz

Dropbox – https://www.dropbox.com/s/0xozwrm0r22lxzq/BitD-Heist.zip?dl=0

Mediafire – http://www.mediafire.com/file/6a1bi893pv09afj/BitD-Heist.zip

Revenant – (unsettling supernatural areas)

8tracks (streaming) – http://8tracks.com/shadowfell/revenant-inspired-by-blades-in-the-dark

Box – https://app.box.com/s/fr19j61h31yxlqwlmihswnua7pi7tg33

Dropbox – https://www.dropbox.com/s/30qdzj5sigw35b6/BitD-Revenant.zip?dl=0

Mediafire – http://www.mediafire.com/file/xam6bswrbx7dabb/BitD-Revenant.zip

Sacred – (divine and otherworldly solace)

8tracks (streaming) – http://8tracks.com/shadowfell/sacred-inspired-by-blades-in-the-dark

Box – https://app.box.com/s/3mawhv6hx9rw96r8cm26k3lmtisvrweo

Dropbox – https://www.dropbox.com/s/5wr8rzhf1s2nbcc/BitD-Sacred.zip?dl=0

Mediafire – http://www.mediafire.com/file/ok6a4xe129d60zw/BitD-Sacred.zip

Cobblestones – (general background, city exploration)

8tracks (streaming) –http://8tracks.com/shadowfell/cobblestones-inspired-by-blades-in-the-dark

Box – https://app.box.com/s/lwhx5hdmxeygv1u566kjzuzpifjjdu9i

Dropbox – https://www.dropbox.com/s/xtlvc2gcdv8ais7/BitD-Cobblestones.zip?dl=0

Mediafire – http://www.mediafire.com/file/t7cwps7yqz5d0ko/BitD-Cobblestones.zip

Aristocracy – (noble dealings, pleasant musical interludes)

8tracks (streaming) – http://8tracks.com/shadowfell/aristocracy-inspired-by-blades-in-the-dark

Box – https://app.box.com/s/ps0ehnlqlirwil31rwvitwy1hu7rvq1o

Dropbox – https://www.dropbox.com/s/pzjw119at8xwgjh/BitD-Aristocracy.zip?dl=0

Mediafire – http://www.mediafire.com/file/8uv050m99v437yn/BitD-Aristocracy.zip

Another one down!

Another one down!

Another one down!  This one is super short, only 13 songs.  I mostly created this one to use the Monastery tracks from Clive Barker’s Undying because they’re fantastic, and they didn’t fit in the other playlists.  Also, this starts out innocent and ends up…somewhere else.  Forgotten Gods, if you will.  😉
