This is one of those “I feel stupid for asking” questions, but I am just not getting the difference between REP and…

This is one of those “I feel stupid for asking” questions, but I am just not getting the difference between REP and…

This is one of those “I feel stupid for asking” questions, but I am just not getting the difference between REP and HOLD. Can anyone give a bit of guidance?

Ran my first session last night and I was hoping for some feedback on how I handled actions and dice rolls.

Ran my first session last night and I was hoping for some feedback on how I handled actions and dice rolls.

Ran my first session last night and I was hoping for some feedback on how I handled actions and dice rolls. 

Baszo Baz offered our PCs a job. He said “I want you to get something for me,” and handed them a blueprint of the Red Sash temple, making it clear the PCs should damn well be able to figure out what to do. None of them were willing to call him on it and, you know, actually ask what they were stealing. Instead they tried to puzzle it out based on the blueprint. Trying to do something that you could screw up sounded like a roll to me (although now I’m not so sure). I made it a four-segment clock.

Our Whisper rolls her Cipher and takes the Devil’s Bargain of having Baszo realize the gang aren’t as knowledgable as they pretend. She succeeds but only fills in 2 segments – and this success took forever as she failed her Controlled roll and then did a Risky roll and then did an effect roll. And there was still to be more rolling to puzzle the map out!

The gang’s defacto leader accepts to job even without them knowing fully what it is and takes the map back to HQ. At this point my GM instincts are saying “Just give it to them,” but we want to try this thing properly so she rolls Cipher and also takes a Devil’s Bargain of needing to tap a corrupt contact in the city planner’s office who can help interpret the blueprints but does not have the tightest lips. She rolls her effect and – thank gods – fills the clock.

Narratively, I liked that we introduced a new NPC and influenced Baszo’s perception of the PCs. But the rolling for this took forever. Is there a different way I should have handled this? Is it just a matter of having facility with the system? Thanks for your input!