Last night’s one-shot by local GM Sam – the 25 Petals, a dirty smuggler gang led by a haughty vampire, engaged in a…

Last night’s one-shot by local GM Sam – the 25 Petals, a dirty smuggler gang led by a haughty vampire, engaged in a…

Last night’s one-shot by local GM Sam – the 25 Petals, a dirty smuggler gang led by a haughty vampire, engaged in a gang war with the Gondoliers for control of the canals. Things got complicated with my Hound’s obligation, his wife Janey Bocker, showed up moonlighting for the Leviathan Hunters (as one does) and fighting on a third side in the gang war. Our score to eliminate two powerful noble backers of the Gondoliers was resolved when we rammed a burning Leviathan Hunter barge into a canal-side tavern, killing scores of people including our targets. Unfortunately, this ended the session with us at high Heat and possibly at war.

We used character cards from the new Button Men game as quick choice of portraits – that’s my ex-sailor Hound below.

From barely managing to keep my game going with 2-3 players for the first 6 episodes, I’ve suddenly gained six new…

From barely managing to keep my game going with 2-3 players for the first 6 episodes, I’ve suddenly gained six new…

From barely managing to keep my game going with 2-3 players for the first 6 episodes, I’ve suddenly gained six new players for Blades of the Inquisition here in Malaysia! Granted, not all of them will be able to stay on, but five of them are part of an established group that hasn’t been in a regular game for a while, so just having more fresh blood is good.

And they had a good time investigating undercity drug gangs connected to supernatural murders of religious pilgrims on the Imperial mining world of Tigranya. Our Tech-Priest battled his rival, a data-priest, for control of surveillance records. Our Psyker read the minds of various undercity scum and suffered psychic backlash for his trouble. The Cleric bellowed and condemned with deafening tirades on local citizens, and the Guardsman assaulted his way into a drug den with some combat drugs and a sledgehammer!

Hoping to keep things going on to the Downtime part of the cycle so players get to make the hard decisions in managing their Inquisition cell in the long run. They’ve already started to raise heat on themselves for their unsubtle approach…

Making useful contacts and rolling for downtime activities in Blades of the Inquisition by RoosterEma – in my…

Making useful contacts and rolling for downtime activities in Blades of the Inquisition by RoosterEma – in my…

Making useful contacts and rolling for downtime activities in Blades of the Inquisition by RoosterEma – in my campaign, that involves drug dealers, pilgrims, chef-surgeons and a little bit of heresy. The full session report.

An interesting (and brutal) historical setting for gang warfare.

An interesting (and brutal) historical setting for gang warfare.

An interesting (and brutal) historical setting for gang warfare.



Last session of my Blades of the Inquisition game set in the Warhammer 40,000 milieu was mainly about my Inquisition agents mingling with various Deep Tunnel gangs, religious pilgrims and charitable societies operating in the underground. But we did get around to Downtime activities, which given the heaps of wounds the acolytes had accumulated, comprised hiring a neo-Ethiopian restaurant chef named Roboute as a surgeon (they didn’t roll well) and spending an excessive amount of actions and Salary to get him to pull bullets and shrapnel from their bodies. Oh, and the team members who rolled stress relief did pretty badly. It was amusing to see that the Cleric’s vice of Dissent was carried out by anonymously distributing angry recordings calling for the dismantling of the Imperium that had failed the Emperor’s vision.

In other news, the Cleric player seems to have received his rulebook a whole week ago while I have yet to get mine. This annoys me. How long does it take to get these things sent to Malaysia?

Updated my session report for my blog – just in time, too, because next session is tomorrow night.

Updated my session report for my blog – just in time, too, because next session is tomorrow night.

Updated my session report for my blog – just in time, too, because next session is tomorrow night. 🙂 Special attention to RoosterEma.

We commenced with our Blades adventures in the grim darkness of Warhammer 40,000.

We commenced with our Blades adventures in the grim darkness of Warhammer 40,000.

We commenced with our Blades adventures in the grim darkness of Warhammer 40,000. We had fun even though we hadn’t gotten any character miniatures painted (or even prepared in most cases).

The first operation for our Blades of the Inquisition campaign had a trio of acolytes scouring the undercity drug trade on the mining world of Tigranya for a new product linked to psychic phenomena. To the disgust of Sister Helius the outspoken cleric, Tigranya has a hundred saints and ten times as many sects, most of which incorporate intoxicating narcotics into their worship. The team would need to rub shoulders with vile drug dealers to find their target.

Following a tip from a noble contact and some black market investigation, the ne’er-do-well ex-noble Jean led her team into the maintenance tunnels under the Sobat Deep district, the turf of the Deep Knives drug gang. Due to bad luck the acolytes walked right into an ambush by well-armed cultists of the Rasmikael Heresy, who had a history of armed revolt. Our protagonists survived a desperate exchange of fire in the dimly-lit tunnelways through sheer grit (and a lot of help from the Forged by Horror special ability). The fight ended when Sister Helius charged the heretics that Jean had helpfully shot holes in, setting them on fire with her hand flamer and detonating their ammunition, grenades and drug supplies.

Exploring the tunnels in the wake of the bloodbath, the acolytes were wounded and exhausted, even suffering visions of glowing ghosts. Julius the hive-world scholar diagnosed his entire team with poisoning from the hallucinogenic drug smoke they had inhaled after the shootout, but his survey of their surroundings failed badly enough that they were taken by surprise by ten Deep Knives who questioned their allegiance. Sister Helius was quick to declare her loyalty to the Emperor, displaying her purity seals as evidence. Fortunately the gang leader, Samael, was religious enough to be impressed by Helius, and the gang escorted the injured acolytes to their hidden lair, where they were surprised to meet a visiting nobleman…

Overall the game ran quite smoothly, both during free play (gathering info) and during the operation (full of desperate rolls, stress and injuries). The playbook was well designed enough for Julius’ player Ezra to pick up on things despite being new to RPGs. And we managed to get a fair bit done in-game in just 2.5 hours. Really looking forward to resolving the impact of the acolytes’ investigations on the many interlinked Imperial Cult sects, gangs, mining guilds, noble houses and high priesthood of Tigranya.