An event concerning a feral ghost stalking the back alleys of Doskvol.

An event concerning a feral ghost stalking the back alleys of Doskvol.

An event concerning a feral ghost stalking the back alleys of Doskvol. Thank you, Sean Nittner​ for the editing and layout help.

Behold the Fog Hound Slaughter with the first 2 people I ever gamed with when I was 12, Jason Bowell and Robert Bohl.

Behold the Fog Hound Slaughter with the first 2 people I ever gamed with when I was 12, Jason Bowell and Robert Bohl.

Behold the Fog Hound Slaughter with the first 2 people I ever gamed with when I was 12, Jason Bowell and Robert Bohl. 30 years later and we’re still doing it.

Sean Nittner and Pete Cornell were missed.

I was daydreaming about what it takes to create a new city, still in the setting but away from Doskovol.

I was daydreaming about what it takes to create a new city, still in the setting but away from Doskovol.

I was daydreaming about what it takes to create a new city, still in the setting but away from Doskovol.

What would I do if someone had a long, 16 piece downtime project that was relocate gang to another city to avoid heat in Duskwall?

That process would be brutal, cut off from all contacts and resources that made the gang possible in the home city.

What are the pieces of a new city needed for BitD?

Districts: Landmarks, Details, Notables, Traits [Wealth/Secruity & Safety/Criminal Influence/Occult Influence]

Factions: Clocks, Turf, NPC’s, Notable Assets, Allies, Enemies, Situation

On Character Playbooks: Friends/Rivals

On Crew Sheet: Contacts

Looking at the map, the Imperial City stood out to me. I’m assuming it is the seat of the Immortal Emperor. I picture it as a strew of 0-1 Tier gangs with no surviving 2 or 3 Tier gangs. The rest are all Tier 4’s looking to go legit and get rid of their Heat.

Heat is more difficult to get rid of in I.C. You always have to spend Coin to get rid of heat during downtime, maybe? The Imperial Special Police are fast to quash up and coming gangs. The Imperial Secret Police only take their foot off of a gang’s throat when they accrue enough power to make some thought towards being legit or having a front powerful enough to make tremendous pay-offs.

Prison is far, far worse. It is possible to be set aside to be the next body for the Imperial Emperor while in Imperial Prison.

Thinking, daydreaming…

Has anyone ever had a game shift to a different city?

A fine night in Doskovol with Jason Bowell, Pete Cornell and Sean Nittner.

A fine night in Doskovol with Jason Bowell, Pete Cornell and Sean Nittner.

A fine night in Doskovol with Jason Bowell, Pete Cornell and Sean Nittner.

Demonic altars, tea and pocket watches….

Played a first session with Robert Bohl, Pete Cornell and Jason Bowell.

Played a first session with Robert Bohl, Pete Cornell and Jason Bowell.

Played a first session with Robert Bohl, Pete Cornell and Jason Bowell.

In which the Wobbegong Crew steal prisoners off of a City Watch Prison Barge, sticking a thumb in the eye of the Bluecoats. They get their take and then some.

I put together some images that I reminded me of Doskovol from NYPL’s Digital Collections.

I put together some images that I reminded me of Doskovol from NYPL’s Digital Collections.

I put together some images that I reminded me of Doskovol from NYPL’s Digital Collections.

First game of our Blades in the Dark Trilogy with Jason Bowell, Robert Bohl, Jason Corley and Richard Rogers.

First game of our Blades in the Dark Trilogy with Jason Bowell, Robert Bohl, Jason Corley and Richard Rogers.

First game of our Blades in the Dark Trilogy with Jason Bowell, Robert Bohl, Jason Corley and Richard Rogers.

The Charterhall Walking Guild was once a legitimate gentle-folk who got together to discuss community issues and walk in the brisk night air, back when the Charterhall area had gentle-folk, before it all went to hell. Nowadays, the C.W.G. is a band of thieves with a fine library and connections among the sailors, deadland scavengers and carriage drivers.

They used to answer to Roric, so they were surprised when in the middle of planning a job Roric’s ghost appeared with an axe in his head, asking for vengeance against his second-in-command, Lyssa. They asked their former boss how much such vengeance would gain them and he offered a cache of silver in volume equal to a husky Duskwall child. 

They had a plan. They’d get Lyssa to buy drugs from the Lampblacks. They’d get the Red Sashes to crash the deal and make off with the drugs. They’d frame Lyssa for the whole thing, convincing both sides that Lyssa had set them up.

It is a mess of a plan. I’m not sure we all got it but we went with it and got moving.

Holtz the Cutter went to meet with the leader of the Red Sashes, cut down some Lampblack kids to prove his loyalty.

Cyrene and Pool go to Lyssa and find out that she hired Ulf Ironsblood as new muscle. They convince her. Turns out Ulf is very superstitious and thinks Cyrene is a “wyrding woman.”

Then Canter, the mastermind behind the mission goes to his contact in the Lampblacks. He rolls and fails, hitting 3 of 4 necessary effects.

So, that is where we start next game. Pool is sneaking out Lyssa’s  HQ, a beached whaling dreadnought. Canter is with the Lampblacks, having NOT convinced them to take part in a drug deal that is the cornerstone of his plan. Holtz is with the leader of the Red Sashes, having sex with her in her armored carriage after murdering a Lampblack kid for her.


Do you roll the Action and Effects dice at the same time?

Is it a separate Devil’s Bargain and/or Backup stress for both Action and Effect?

“Every half-dead would-be crimelord pushing an oar on a prison hulk, every hanged fool, every cutpurse rotting in a…

“Every half-dead would-be crimelord pushing an oar on a prison hulk, every hanged fool, every cutpurse rotting in a…

“Every half-dead would-be crimelord pushing an oar on a prison hulk, every hanged fool, every cutpurse rotting in a sunless cell all have one thing in common, they were let down by the weak link in their crew. If you don’t have each other, you have nothing but an oar, a length of rope or a dank cell.”

 – Old Jenny Corners, you know her, sitting on the corner, smoking her pipe, watching the young’uns do their dirt.

Inspired by an IM conversation between me and Jim DelRosso