A question about flashbacks for downtime activities:

A question about flashbacks for downtime activities:

A question about flashbacks for downtime activities:

1) What downtime activities can you flash back to, if any?

2) Does that flashback cost stress (0, 1, 2) in addition to the coin or rep cost?

ex) player: I want to have just the tool to crack this safe, can I flashback to a downtime action and acquire asset for a special tool? The coin could be either bribing someone to get access to it, or just buying it outright.

ex) player: I totally would have prepared my ritual for this, I’ll mark the stress to cast it and spend the coin to purchase the necessary reagents.

Lastly, if you can flashback for any downtime activity and they never cost stress, why even bother with the downtime portion of play?

Questions about scale in terms of crew and cohorts: Let’s say there is a tier 2 gang that hasn’t taken a cohort…

Questions about scale in terms of crew and cohorts: Let’s say there is a tier 2 gang that hasn’t taken a cohort…

Questions about scale in terms of crew and cohorts: Let’s say there is a tier 2 gang that hasn’t taken a cohort upgrade.

1) Is the crew a handful of PCs AND tier 2 worth of gang members (12 people), or is it only the group of PCs and when they take the cohort upgrade they get those dozen gang members?

2) If it is the case that the crew is PCs + 12 members, but no cohort ability, how are these gang members different from an actual cohort? It seems like they could be a cohort without choosing any benefits/flaws for them.

3) What happens if this gang gets a cohort, and on their next advance creates a second set of cohorts, do they have two groups of 12? The Bloodletters did this but I never noted the specifics

Just finished our first session, and we came across a rule we need clarified.

Just finished our first session, and we came across a rule we need clarified.

Just finished our first session, and we came across a rule we need clarified.

If a player rolls a desperate action and gets a 4/5, a major complication can arise (among other things, but let’s focus on this). The player chooses to resist the complication and takes stress based on their roll. Our question is: does the major complication totally go away, or does it become a minor complication in the same way that level 3 harm would become level 2 harm?

I’ve watched most of the “Bloodletters” Blade game, and I’m up to date with “The Last Word” game too.

I’ve watched most of the “Bloodletters” Blade game, and I’m up to date with “The Last Word” game too.

I’ve watched most of the “Bloodletters” Blade game, and I’m up to date with “The Last Word” game too. I’ve convinced my friends to play this with me, and we’re going to be a Shadows gang.

Does anyone know of a similar Blades series I can watch on youtube that follows a group of Shadows?