My Bravos are going to be helping the Deathland scavengers so i have a question for you all how have you filled the…

My Bravos are going to be helping the Deathland scavengers so i have a question for you all how have you filled the…

My Bravos are going to be helping the Deathland scavengers so i have a question for you all how have you filled the deathlands? Creatures, ruines you name it.

So i have a groupe of smuglers where one of them became a cultist (demonic notice entaglement).

So i have a groupe of smuglers where one of them became a cultist (demonic notice entaglement).

So i have a groupe of smuglers where one of them became a cultist (demonic notice entaglement). they are tire 1 but managed to get into Iron hook and free the daemon. all the players having sever woneds and stressing out one arfter the other. (was trying to kill them for what feals like houres). They now have a -3 relation with both iron hook prison and the spirit wardens, any sugestion to what kind of strike team they are going to send arfter them?

one of my players relay went all in on the whole spark mage thing

one of my players relay went all in on the whole spark mage thing

one of my players relay went all in on the whole spark mage thing

Wipser: “i drink one of my Electroplasm vial and channel the power so the search light explodes… wait i think i just take a sip”

Me: “Devils bargain you chugged that vial”

Wipser: “of course i did i need the power”

rolls a 5 so he manged to get away with just burdend indereds, but the new person that just joined the crew went strait into trauma because collateral damage XD