The crew finish up their first score and find out what Lyssa’s reward is.

The crew finish up their first score and find out what Lyssa’s reward is.

The crew finish up their first score and find out what Lyssa’s reward is. They realise it’s just the beginning of something bigger!

John Harper , is the plan that the full release will have blank spaces on the playbooks where the contacts are…

John Harper , is the plan that the full release will have blank spaces on the playbooks where the contacts are…

John Harper , is the plan that the full release will have blank spaces on the playbooks where the contacts are written? We may have two Lurks, but both of them won’t have the same collection of friends.

Can someone give some examples of what they have used attune rolls for in their BitD games?

Can someone give some examples of what they have used attune rolls for in their BitD games?

Can someone give some examples of what they have used attune rolls for in their BitD games? Trying to establish a baseline for what might or might not be possible in the setting for a starting Whisper. 🙂

Hi all, first time poster but enjoy the enthusiasm and activity here for this great game.

Hi all, first time poster but enjoy the enthusiasm and activity here for this great game.

Hi all, first time poster but enjoy the enthusiasm and activity here for this great game. I started my own BitD game a few weeks ago, I have a full 6-man roster at the minute which can get a little hairy to make sure everyone is involved, but is usually OK. I write the narrative of each session up for my guys and thought I’d share it here. The action starts before Roric’s death in Crow’s Foot. Thanks for the game Mr. Harper, it’s a good one.