Hey there Scoundrels!

Hey there Scoundrels!

Hey there Scoundrels!

Due to a request from an aspiring Blades table, how would you hack the rules for a gang of street urchins “the Baker street Orphans”.

I can see adapting the effectiency (- against adults and heavy lifting, + for running away) but how would you adapt special abilities, load… ?

Good evening you crooks!

Good evening you crooks!

Good evening you crooks!

The whisper in my local group of shadows is thinking about setting up a ritual in order to put to sleep the inhabitants of a house.

the idea being an object to smash or a mark to place on the front door prepared in advance as per the ritual rules.

HOWEVER, i’m having a hard time ruling on the cost/effects on the ritual. any ideas?

2 questions :

2 questions :

2 questions :

1. from a non native english speaker : can someone explain to me what “Local Graft” means? i’m having a hard time explailing what it is to my players

2. world building : in order to help them sell drugs to the workers in Coalridge, my players have made allies of the local foremen. Can you please suggest a faction level for the foremen or the factory bosses?

Hello All

Hello All

Hello All,

New GM coming to this game with a question to the community.

My gang is till deciding where to start. Considering their background and clientele, it will end up being in either in CHarlhollow or Coalridge. I would like to be able to give them the full picture of the different factions they would be competing with.

Is there anywhere I can find a list of gangs per district, or a map with a starting position for the different factions?