I GM’d my first game of Blades last Sunday. Two questions:

I GM’d my first game of Blades last Sunday. Two questions:

I GM’d my first game of Blades last Sunday. Two questions:

1. “That guy just stabbed my friend, now I’m gonna paste him” – Our leech is tossing a grenade down a short hallway in the hold of a smugglers ship. What action is most appropriate? Despite the situation being a fight, and had the roll failed I might have had that guy run up and try to cut our unlucky Leech, skirmish didn’t feel right. We settled on wreck, although it felt more appropriate when the character previously threw a smoke bomb. In retrospect I’m thinking maybe finesse would have worked as well.

2. During downtime, if a player’s worst attribute rating is 0, can they recover stress using their vice?