Hey everybody.

Hey everybody.

Hey everybody. Recently I was talking to a couple of friends who also GM games and the topic of our favorite NPCs we have made came up. I wanted to see what you all came up with. Who/what are some of the NPCs you’ve made that you’re particularly happy with?

My favorite NPCs are probably Tick and Tock, two pyrotechnically-inclined brothers who died in a bomb-making accident. They then found two other twin brothers, possessed them, and began making bombs once more. Having survived dying once, they have begun taking more and more risks in the pursuit of building the most destructive bomb they can purely for the fun of it. They’re mercurial and have an annoying habit of finishing each other’s sentences, but they’re a blast to act out for my players.

Do you guys have any NPCs you’re super proud of making and enjoy playing in your games? I’d love to hear about them.

Hey guys and gals.

Hey guys and gals.

Hey guys and gals. I was wondering how everybody was handling animals in their games. I have a Hound player and we came up with a kind of giant salamander/feline hybrid that he called a Depth Stalker for his pet, but it was a little challenging to create a beast that fit the world.

I was wondering what kinds of creatures y’all had come up with in your games. I’m interested in Hound pets, but any kind of fauna would be fantastic.

Is there absolutely no animal life outside of the cities, do you play that ghosts only desire human life force so animals are relatively safe, or have your animals adapted to life in the Deathlands and dealing with hungry ghosts? I’d love to see what animal life populates your worlds.