I’m setting up a Roll20, cautiously.

I’m setting up a Roll20, cautiously.

I’m setting up a Roll20, cautiously. My RL group isn’t that into anything besides D&D and Shadowrun, and it’s like pulling teeth to get them to even try something different. I’d prefer a forum type game since my time is pretty limited but I’m hoping maybe to pull off a Saturday thing. If I can’t do that, I have a City of Brass account that I think might support some type of play? Anyway, I want to run Blades…

So I started my first game of BitD.

So I started my first game of BitD.

So I started my first game of BitD. It’s solo, with the single player as a Whisper and the crew being her and two NPC friends engaged as Hawkers of arcane wares.

I’m curious if anyone else has run Blades as a solo game, and if so, how they ended up handling any NPC crew members.

I have thought about either engaging the NPC crew members as expert cohorts, or fleshing them out fully as you would any other PC.

I just picked up BitD.

I just picked up BitD.

I just picked up BitD. It’s very interesting. I’ll be reviewing it sometime this 4th of July weekend and offering my thoughts. And I’m very eager to see it in play, so I’m looking for some good Twitch and YouTube games for an overview. I’ll be setting something up soon to test it out with a group live, but I am also considering this Roll20 thing as well, but I’ve never done it before.