Does a good result on a Security roll for your lair drive off an intruder entirely?

Does a good result on a Security roll for your lair drive off an intruder entirely?

Does a good result on a Security roll for your lair drive off an intruder entirely? If, for example, a kill-squad of 10 tier 2 thugs roll up on your tier 0 gang’s secure lair, and you roll a 6 or a crit(If a crit is possible), does that mean your security keeps the enemy out, kills them, or drives them to retreat, entirely?

This situation came up and I’d love to know what you’d do:

This situation came up and I’d love to know what you’d do:

This situation came up and I’d love to know what you’d do:

During the score, the characters rob a ghost of her revenge. During entanglement they roll Unquiet Dead, and of course, the ghost comes to their lair and start flipping tables. After failing to dissuade the ghost from lashing out at them, the ghost tries to possess the crew’s Lurk. The Lurk elects to not resist the effect, and now has level 3 harm (Possessed). But umm… now what? Do I assume control of the character until his crew can get him exorcised? Unless something is done about this, the character will die in 4 weeks, right? What would you do / have you done when one of the characters at your table got straight-up possessed by a ghost?

When using Ghost’s Veil, can you bring others with you?

When using Ghost’s Veil, can you bring others with you?

When using Ghost’s Veil, can you bring others with you? A player of mine wanted to knock out a lady, grab her and phase through the wall. Is this doable? How about extending the benefit to other crew members?

First timer to the game, and to G+

First timer to the game, and to G+

First timer to the game, and to G+

I’m running the game for a crew of cultists. Their Tycherosi Lurk who has 3 Attune, wanted to use his attune to trap a group of Bluecoats in a mind-maze and to locate Margete Vale of the Foghounds, as if by magical sonar.

I didn’t say no, but I did say that it sounded more like sorcery and less like attuning your mind to the ghost-field – and that surely he would need some kind of arcane foci or relic to attune through, to accomplish this? This made me think – am I thinking about the ghost-field wrong? I know it’s intentionally vague so you have space to get weird with it, which is why I’d like some input. What can people accomplish, only by attuning, in your games? Just to be clear, when I say “only by attuning” I mean without rituals, without objects of arcana, just straight-up attuning on the fly?