John Harper – Regarding Gangs, damage and healing.

John Harper – Regarding Gangs, damage and healing.

John Harper – Regarding Gangs, damage and healing.

In one of our sessions a situation came up where we wanted to damage (i.e., apply a Harm to) our gang.  There’s a Harm section for the gang, but we weren’t sure if those were intended to be an escalating ladder a la the harm section of the PC playbook sheets, or not.  (In our play we just assigned them Impaired, as that adjective seemed to most clostly match with what we expected given our fiction at that moment.)  Do you have any guidance on applying Harm to gangs?

Later we wanted to then fix that Harm, but we weren’t sure what the correct way to do that was.  Is that a long term project?  Is that an application of the Recover downtime action?  (Which could also be a long term project, for sufficient Harm.)  Any guidance there?

What we did worked for us, we’re just curious what the ‘correct’ way to handle these situation is.