Does the Cutter special ability Leader apply both when you give orders to a gang with Command and when you lead a…
Does the Cutter special ability Leader apply both when you give orders to a gang with Command and when you lead a group action alongside a gang rolling the appropriate ability?
The description of how you use a cohort draws a distinction between Command and leading the group, which the text of Leader adheres to, but the explanation of the ability in the Cutter section of the book indicates it is effective with group actions, too.
My common sense reading is that it should work for Commanding and fighting alongside them, but perhaps this restriction in wording is intentional?
The texts in question:
The Cutter special ability Leader says:
“When you Command [emphasis in original] a cohort in combat, they continue to fight when they would otherwise break (they’re not taken out when they suffer level 3 harm). They gain +1 effect and 1 armor.”
Using a Cohort on page 97 says,
“Or, a PC can oversee the maneuver by leading a group action. If you direct the cohort with orders, roll Command. If you participate in the action alongside the cohort, roll the appropriate action.”
Against that we have the expanded description of Leader in the Cutter section:
“This ability makes your cohorts more effective in battle and also allows them to resist harm by using armor. When you lead your cohorts, they won’t stop fighting until they take fatal harm (level 4) or you order them to cease. What do you do to inspire such bravery in battle?
For details about cohorts, see page 96.”