In the summer of 823, Warlord Roytaa had claimed about a third of the Ease as his kingdom of decadence.

In the summer of 823, Warlord Roytaa had claimed about a third of the Ease as his kingdom of decadence.

In the summer of 823, Warlord Roytaa had claimed about a third of the Ease as his kingdom of decadence. He used nepotism and murder to replace most of the Bluecoats in the area with relatives, and he was creating quite a cesspit. He was into the occult, and conducted frequent rituals of protection and such, and a soothsayer once told him that he would be slain by Gapjaw, a crocolisk that drifted through the canals at the top of the food chain. So when this punk kid managed to surprise him in his quarters and knife him to death, Roytaa wanted to know how it was possible. The kid just grinned and said “I must be Gapjaw.” Sure, the kid was a smartass, but the more superstitious noted the crocolisk was never seen again. They wondered if this kid had somehow faced that monster in the darkness and taken its essence, just to kill the Warlord. Whether you believe the story or not, the name stuck.

From “Occult Vignettes of the Dusk,” by Sord Vortison

Don’t dig at it, there’s nothing but madness and death down that path.

Don’t dig at it, there’s nothing but madness and death down that path.

Don’t dig at it, there’s nothing but madness and death down that path. But if you were going to poke around, I’d start at Claymark Bellfoundry. Of course you never heard of them, they went out of business over five hundred years ago. But once upon a time, they were the supplier of damn near every bell in Doskvol.

Then in the bitter cold of deepest winter, the Spirit Wardens showed up, shut them down, and relocated the bellfoundry into the Bellwether Crematorium. That’s right, the bellfoundry and the crematorium in close quarters, ‘neath the enchanted bells that ring on both sides of the Mirror every time someone in the city dies. Why did they do it? Was there a competition issue? Or was there a problem with the bells? Why did the bells start marking the deaths in the city anyway?

Those aren’t the right questions. I’ve seen those bells. Carillon upon carillon, from giant bells the size of a coach to wee hand-bells in rows. I can say this, for certain; Bellwether has more bells in those towers than will fit in those towers. Now. Leave it alone.

From Dava Mark’s personal correspondence, Elisar 9, 812

I’ve started the second Blades in the Dark novel! The first chapter is available here, for free.

I’ve started the second Blades in the Dark novel! The first chapter is available here, for free.

I’ve started the second Blades in the Dark novel! The first chapter is available here, for free.

We’ve got some rogues visiting a fancy party. I finally got to do that scene with the theremin and harpsichord backing a seance. Some guy gets punched. It’s a pretty good start.

The novel is “Mirror and Bone” and it’s just getting started. Serial fiction, 5,000 word chapters posted every two weeks. You’re welcome to come along for the ride if you’d like.

The end of the world is no excuse for increased social mobility.

The end of the world is no excuse for increased social mobility.

The end of the world is no excuse for increased social mobility. It is easier for a ghost to press against the natural order of things and re-enter the world of the living than it is for a poor man to enter the ranks of the respectable in Doskvol. It is more natural for a demon to form a cult to worship it than it is for a person of merit to find recognition as new aristocracy. I suspect that is because when the supernatural flooded into the world, Doskvol’s elites were presented with fait accompli and had to adjust. They feel no such helplessness in the face of lowborn trying to make inroads into their ranks.

From “Historical Ruminations of the Fall and Subsequent Taxation,” by Aletha Sventon

So I’ve decided the etherphone (or theremin) is a perfectly appropriate instrument to exist in this time period in…

So I’ve decided the etherphone (or theremin) is a perfectly appropriate instrument to exist in this time period in…

So I’ve decided the etherphone (or theremin) is a perfectly appropriate instrument to exist in this time period in Duskwall.

Often employed in duets with harpsichords.

Good news, everyone!

Good news, everyone!

Good news, everyone! The Duskwall Heist Deck print and play version now has all the information of the physical deck! That’s 40 people, 40 treasures, and 50 obstacles.

For those who already purchased the .pdf, you should be getting an email letting you know you can download the updated deck. It is two documents; one is the cards, the other is a 10 page document that has the back of the obstacle cards, so you can draw “Pit Traps” and see the front, then look on the alphabetical list on the back list to see suggestions for customizing the obstacle. (It’s really difficult to print front and back cards that line up, so this was a compromise.)

(As a historical note, the print and play deck was an afterthought based on demand from people who faced stiff shipping charges to order a physical deck. As such, it was incomplete, because my control of graphic designers is limited, as are my resources. I have now been able to create a rough parity between the decks, information wise, and I think that’s something to feel good about.)

I hope this breathes some new life and fun into your decks. Thanks for your support.

Here’s a snippet of the chapter preface, for a heist at Gaddoc Rail Station:

Here’s a snippet of the chapter preface, for a heist at Gaddoc Rail Station:

Here’s a snippet of the chapter preface, for a heist at Gaddoc Rail Station:

Building a train network between major cities cost two centuries of resources. The process of laying out routes, handling the surveying, bringing materials to the sites, protecting workers and machines, and eventually creating a route that was impervious to weather and attack was a superhuman feat. In every way, the rail system protected the needs of the living against the weight of the past and its lusts.

Politics, debts, and feuds threatened the project as much as tides of ghosts and poison sands. Only the Immortal Emperor’s resolute will and unfailing focus could provide the lighthouse beacon that united the builders enough to create the impossible. Because of that Imperial focus and mandate, those who would build tread over the corpses of those who would not. The rail line reshaped the aristocracy of the empire, weeding out those who openly defied the Immortal Emperor. Of course, that was almost four centuries ago. It’s past time for the Immortal Emperor to choose a new project.

From “Cost Uncounted: Leadership After the Crisis” by Professor Claire Redalia

I posted a collection of the first 11 chapters of my Doskvol novel for Blades in the Dark, along with a little…

I posted a collection of the first 11 chapters of my Doskvol novel for Blades in the Dark, along with a little…

I posted a collection of the first 11 chapters of my Doskvol novel for Blades in the Dark, along with a little world-building snippet in front of each chapter. I figure I’ve got about 5 chapters to go.

How to make mirrors!

How to make mirrors!

How to make mirrors!

But then, some people add a little “something extra” and some of the mirrors coming from a secretive manufacturer are causing problems of some kind or another.

First, maybe get some of the mirrors that are causing problems. Then, maybe figure out where they’re made. Then? Well… somebody has to stop them.

Or refine their technique. Either or.