What gang types do we know are going to be in Blades in the Dark?

What gang types do we know are going to be in Blades in the Dark?

What gang types do we know are going to be in Blades in the Dark?

Thieves (in the quickstart)

Hawkers (draft available somewhere)

Cultists (draft available somewhere)


Bluecoats (a supplement)




Am I missing any?

Yesterday we uncovered another useful background to add! Entertainer.

Yesterday we uncovered another useful background to add! Entertainer.

Yesterday we uncovered another useful background to add! Entertainer.

That covers buskers, circuses, artists with patrons, tavern shows, seedy actor troupes, etc.

That brings the total recommended new backgrounds to three: military, whaler, and entertainer.

Session 3 play report.

Session 3 play report.

Session 3 play report.


No complaint about the players, but that was the most miserable game I’ve run in a long, long time. Something was wrong with my sound, and they sounded like they were murmuring behind their hands. I spent so much energy straining desperately to hear them that I couldn’t focus on running the game.

I have no idea why I had that problem this time, but last time people were clear as a bell. No idea, and that’s uncomfortable, because if I can’t figure that out I’m not sure it makes sense to schedule more online games! Being unable to hear is a deal breaker.

Anyway, we soldiered along as best we could. It took the full three hours to make decisions on a gang and get characters made and run a single heist. Given the difficulty in hearing all around, some decisions that I think would have been much crisper around the game table became prolonged.

Also, I was playing with people I have not played with before, and we were all playing an unfamiliar game, so of course there’s a learning curve there for all of us. Kudos to my players for sticking with it and making it through the game session in spite of the difficulties!

I played fast and loose with the rules because communication was so difficult. This is a case where it would have been really helpful to have an online way to show clocks; last session the verbal communication was clear, and I had two players instead of four, so it was pretty easy to get everyone on the same page and keep them there. This time it was harder.

I admit I dumped a lot of rule stuff. This was probably not the best first Blades in the Dark experience, because it only partly reflected the ideal of how all the mechanics work. When I did lean into the rules things slowed down even more, and considering my hampered environment that was bad.

I also ran into the differences between a more traditional game and Blades in the Dark. Normally I encourage players to role play through encounters and talk to people. In this game, flashbacks serve a purpose to advance the central heist that is the frame within which the rest fits. The game should move fast and light. Especially with flashbacks, which focus all play on one player for a while (and ideally a short while.) It was counter-intuitive to choose a mechanic and assert it during what promised to be leisurely role playing scenes, but I think that’s the best rhythm for this particular game. It’s hard for me to guess at how that turned out, because I was so distracted struggling to hear.

To summarize: I’m glad we finished the heist, and I’m glad they had basic success. I think the players by and large had a good time. I’m exhausted, and really kind of worried because I STILL don’t know what the difference was between the session where I heard just fine and the session where everything was a distant mumble.


There is some reason for ongoing discussion of the technology of firearms in Duskwall.

There is some reason for ongoing discussion of the technology of firearms in Duskwall.

There is some reason for ongoing discussion of the technology of firearms in Duskwall. Here is my suggestion, and also how it will work in my games.



All this Blades in the Dark talk got my juices flowing for Dishonored, so I played through it again this last week…

All this Blades in the Dark talk got my juices flowing for Dishonored, so I played through it again this last week…

All this Blades in the Dark talk got my juices flowing for Dishonored, so I played through it again this last week or so. I have played through it before. Maybe more than twice.

Anyway, I started talking like Strongbad while playing. Kristy Shields thought that was funny enough that she made a picture and a tumblr for it. I thought I would share it just for fun.

Some of the references will make no sense unless you are pretty familiar with the game. This may or may not make them funnier.



So when people are making characters, and you’ve got players who are fresh to the world, how do you tell them about…

So when people are making characters, and you’ve got players who are fresh to the world, how do you tell them about…

So when people are making characters, and you’ve got players who are fresh to the world, how do you tell them about heritages? (This is open to anyone who has run character generation.) How much time do you spend on it, and do you point them to any resources to help their decision? (I don’t know of anything to point to besides the last page of the quickstart, which I used.)

I told my players heritage was just for flavor, and they were probably several generations from the point of immigration anyway. And if they didn’t want to figure it out, they could be thoroughly native and put “Akorosian.”

I get that some people like longer story-driven character generation, and others (more like me) like quick character generation so we can get to know the character in play and in context. I think both styles are valid and have their advantages and disadvantages. 

I do think this game is better suited to speed in character generation, or we wouldn’t have the equipment shopping already done and a list of friends already picked out on the sheet. Still, there’s plenty of room for different styles on that.

This is an attempt to stop hijacking a play report thread. Sorry about that, Jeff Johnston!


What if you want to play Blades in the Dark, but don’t want to commit to a campaign?

What if you want to play Blades in the Dark, but don’t want to commit to a campaign?

What if you want to play Blades in the Dark, but don’t want to commit to a campaign? What if you want to be in one or more one-shot games?

Here is a two page rules mod for how to play a GANG instead of a CREW. I would like to know what you think! I plan to try it out on Saturday.

Players can choose a type of gang to play (which gives a single advantage, instead of having to choose a special ability.) They also choose what underboss to work for, which tips the GM off to what kind of missions they want to play. There is no long-term advancement for gangs, as they form and split and reform all the time; however, characters can gain reputation, which may help them start their own crew with the backing of the Crows! =)


I updated the Chosen mod. (This is for playing someone like Corvo from Dishonored in Blades in the Dark.)

I updated the Chosen mod. (This is for playing someone like Corvo from Dishonored in Blades in the Dark.)

I updated the Chosen mod. (This is for playing someone like Corvo from Dishonored in Blades in the Dark.)



Who wants to play Blades in the Dark with me?

Who wants to play Blades in the Dark with me?

Who wants to play Blades in the Dark with me? If you are reading this, you probably already have a sense of some of my engagement with the system, since I’ve been talking about it a LOT in this community. Do you want to try a G+ Hangout game on Saturday?


Saturday, April 25, from 2-5 CST. If you aren’t one of the first four to sign up, make a note here and I’ll keep you in mind for an alternate.


One of my players from last night posted about the experience on his blog! Woo hoo!

One of my players from last night posted about the experience on his blog! Woo hoo!

One of my players from last night posted about the experience on his blog! Woo hoo!

