This may have asked and answered already, but those WONDERFUL DISTRICT MAPS that were uploaded here to the group,…

This may have asked and answered already, but those WONDERFUL DISTRICT MAPS that were uploaded here to the group,…

This may have asked and answered already, but those WONDERFUL DISTRICT MAPS that were uploaded here to the group, have those been re-oriented to correspond to the fix John made to Duskwall’s cartography? Everything was upside-down and mirror-opposite, IIRC.

quick PLAYBOOK question.

quick PLAYBOOK question.

quick PLAYBOOK question. I didn’t catch this small change in v5. It’s still there in v6. In earlier versions, the CUTTER had more robust Encumbrance: 4-5-7 as opposed to 3-5-6 for the other Playbooks. I really like the Cutter having that buff and will likely keep it as a house rule, but I was curious as to the rationale.

re RESISTANCE: When the Resistance Roll is introduced on p.6 (v6), the example is given of a particular type of…

re RESISTANCE: When the Resistance Roll is introduced on p.6 (v6), the example is given of a particular type of…

re RESISTANCE: When the Resistance Roll is introduced on p.6 (v6), the example is given of a particular type of roll: needing to make a preemptive resistance roll when an enemy has a big advantage, before you can attempt your own action. The illustration is crossing blades with a Swordmaster: “she disarms you before you can strike.”

When Resistance is more thoroughly explained on p.11, it implies that the roll is made “to resist a consequence.” The preemptive use of a Resistance roll gets no further mention. I’m trying to reconcile the two notions. Using the Swordmaster example, does a PC pay (potentially) several points of stress to avoid the consequence of getting disarmed before the duel even begins in earnest? Is this simply the mechanic the GM uses “to reflect the capabilities of especially dangerous foes” (p.6)?

Thank you in advance of a response.